A quick comparison of the tools available for building TypeScript libraries in 2023: tsup, swc, esbuild and tsc
Let's inspire from React's useEffect pattern to design easy-to-use and encapsulated effectful APIs
Where I discuss the idea of replacing filter + map calls with a single flatMap call
Any move you make in a git repository is recorded by git. Let's use this to our advantage and never lose a commit again!
The performance profiler can feel a little overwhelming and scary. But once you understand its basic principles it becomes the most powerful performance debugging tool
Did you know that you cannot condition React Hooks? Here is the reason why
Lately, at Deezer, I have been implementing monitoring for a feature I was working on. I took this opportunity to document how I designed the monitoring mechanism to be as non-intrusive as possible
`this`, the least understood concept of the JavaScript language. What if I told you that you might not need it?
Lesson learned the hard way: never dive into Cycle.js (+RxJS) without understanding cold/hot observables
Les quelques questions que je me suis posé en utilisant Flux
Commencer Flux avec la doc officielle n'est pas forcement facile, voila une petite synthèse des grandes idées et concepts de Flux
M'organiser pour bosser efficacement en Dominique
Je suis parti bosser en Dominique :)
Petites astuces utiles avec les regex
Comprendre la philosophie de Vim pour penser comme lui
Quelque soit le language dans lequel vous codez, votre code est une part de vous ... faites lui donc la part belle.
Comment Javascript fait pour être à la fois single-threaded et asynchrone.